About Footslogger private limited
The spirit of adventure that we at Adventuresome promote, which brings people together, makes them forget their daily woes, helps them bond and know, explore the earth, feel the need of wilderness and helps them realize what really is the basic need of life!
Adventuresome (Footslogger pvt. ltd.) is basically an organisation of Adventure travel and outdoor enthusiasts which organises treks, hikes, biking events, exploration events, outdoor activities and adventure activities. Apart from this we organize events for kids, families and corporate offices based on different themes.
The playful journeys, the unforgettable destinations, the mesmerizing beaches and the mighty mountains which used to be in your bucket list are now in our event list. So weather you are an old soul or a new energy, secretly filling your travel journal or blogging to tell the whole world, weather its your kid, your parents or you. Travel with us into the nature and explore your untold story through the voids of the woods, fill the gaps of those woods by your presence and connect yourself.
Adventuresome is your gateway to all kinds of exciting adventure activities, trips to awesome travel destinations and experiential journeys. This platform is to create a new future our dreams in which people are more outgoing, risk taking, not afraid of the unknown, more connected to the natural world, a responsible world citizen, rational thinker, doer, accepting and happy and from our experience "travelling will help us becoming that".