World Sri Lanka Central Province Matale 

Matale  , Central Province

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Languages Spoken
English, Sinhalese, Tamil
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Central Province Matale 

About Matale 

Matale, a small town located amidst the Knuckle Mountain Ranges is less popular among the top tourist places to visit in Sri Lanka. Nevertheless, there are some noteworthy places that are worth a visit. There are plenty of plantations that are spread on either side of the road which adds more beauty to the landscape. Some of the main plantations include vanilla, rubber, cinchona, jackfruit, cocoa, and cardamom. Visit the famous Buddhist site Aluvihara Rock Temple, Christ Church, Fort Mcdowell, Clock Tower, Nandimithra Ekanayake International Hockey stadium, and some historic monuments like the Anagarika Dharmapala Monument and Weera Puran Appu monument.

3.5 ( 1 )

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