World India Maharashtra Amravati Shri Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan, Shegaon

Shri Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan, Shegaon , Amravati

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Marathi and Hindi
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India Maharashtra Shri Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan, Shegaon

About Shri Gajanan Maharaj Sansthan, Shegaon

A temple built to commemorate the Samadhi of legendry soul Sri Gajanan Maharaj who enlightened and inspired numerous people with the help of his spiritual knowledge and power acquired through his 32 yearlong incarnated life it is located in Buldana district of Maharashtra. This temple is built in an attractive manner using marble stones .Devotees can worship maharaja’s idol either through ‘mukh darsan’ or by visiting the tunnel where they can closely witness the idol and attain blessings. The over part of the temple has scriptures of various gods and goddesses which make the temple look  holy as well as beautiful .This temple proves to be the soul consoler and problem tackler for millions of people who face very difficult situations in life . His life, teachings, knowledge, power and insight provide people great strength and confidence to overcome problems in life.

Make sure that you see everything closely inside the temple – the golden pillar, Sri Ram temple, tunnel and the sabha mandap (meeting hall). There are many places where you can accommodate yourself for a few days namely –Bakta niwas complex in the mandir (temple) premises and Anand Sagar Visava. Both these are run by the temple authorities itself. Make sure you carry your id proof because they don’t provide anybody with rooms without it. On all working days the temple opens at 5 and closes at 9:30 pm .Enjoy the experience of being in place where millions find solutions for their problems and needs without being categorized or classed by religion or any other measure.

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