World India Uttar Pradesh Varanasi Monkey Temple (Durga Temple)

Monkey Temple (Durga Temple) , Varanasi

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Hindi, English, Urdu
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India Uttar Pradesh Monkey Temple (Durga Temple)

About Monkey Temple (Durga Temple)

Dedicated to Goddess Durga, this temple is stained red with ochre.  The red temple is above a rectangular pond named the Durga Kund. Goddess Durga is believed to protect this temple, as well as the holy city of Varanasi. The temple is called Monkey Temple as there a lot of monkeys in and around the temple. One should be cautious of the monkeys and must not feed them or get playful, as they may take away your belongings like, spectacles, camera, etc. 

3.5 ( 1 )

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Angelin Williams
Aug 26, 2015
Amazing place in Varanasi. most famous durga mandir in Varanasi. Tuesday is the best day to visit.
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