World India Sikkim Gangtok Ban Jhakri Falls

Ban Jhakri Falls , Gangtok

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Languages Spoken
Nepali, Bhutia, Lepcha, Hindi & English
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India Sikkim Ban Jhakri Falls

About Ban Jhakri Falls

Ban Jhakri Falls or Banjhakri Fall, these beautiful falls are located about 4 kms from Gangtok, enroute to Ranka monastery. They belong to the Ban Jhakri Falls Energy Park, a lush green park spread over two acres of land. The park has idols and sculptures of the Jhakri tribe and the gushing waterfalls only add charm to the mystique. It is a great destination to spend the day meandering through the trails, enjoying the exotic flowers and also has a splash pool where children can frolic. The streams have Sikkimese-style foot bridges over them, that makes the experience authentic for visitors. 

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