World India Tamil Nadu Chennai Semmozhi Poonga

Semmozhi Poonga , Chennai

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Tamil & English
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India Tamil Nadu Semmozhi Poonga

About Semmozhi Poonga

Semmozhi Poonga which literally means classical language park is a botanical garden located in the center of the Chennai city. The botanical garden which stretches over an area of 20 acres is a place of rich flora. In addition to the 100 years old flora that existed during the development of this park, an array of exotic plant species where imported from abroad. Inside the garden you will find tree court, mural walk, herbal, bonsai, and exotic gardens. The park has an artificial duck pond, and boasts around 22 exclusive gardens. The park is open through the day and a small entry fee is collected from the visitors. A serene environment in the middle of the bustling city for nature lovers.

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