World India Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Bithoor

Bithoor , Kanpur

Type of Destination
Historical, Pilgrimage
Languages Spoken
Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi and English
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India Uttar Pradesh Bithoor

About Bithoor

Bithoor, a vital pilgrimage center for Hindus is located on the left bank of River Ganges nearby Kanpur. As located on the Ganges bank, there are many ghats which are closely related to Hindu Mythology. Tourists can see the disciples of Lord Brahma perform rituals on the altar of “wooden slippers “after taking a dip in the “Brahmavart Ghat”. Also one should visit the “Dhurv Teela” where the child Dhurv meditated towards Lord Shiva standing in one leg. Lord Shiva was so pleased by his gesture and granted a wish that he can shine all time as a star in celestial. Valmiki Ashram is another important attraction in Kanpur. It is located inwards from the main road of Bithoor. It is believed that Saint Valmiki (who was a robber once) lived in this place and wrote the great Indian Epic Ramayana. Also Seetha Devi wife of Lord Rama (one of the incarnation of Lord Vishnu) stayed in this place and gave birth to her twin sons “Luv and Kush”. Tourists can see a Rasoi (cooking room) where once Seetha Devi cooked. Nearby this Rasoi one can see a well which is used as water reservoir. Also “Seetha Kund” located here is the spot where Seetha Devi went into Earth. People tie the Kush plant to this Kund in order to get their wishes fulfilled by Seetha Devi. Tourist will be awestruck by the high tower named “DeepaMalika Stambh”. This tower has 48 stairs (7 rounds) to reach the roof. During diwali festivals lots of diyas (earthen lamp) and candles are lit in this tower.

Also, this town has a significant role in the First War of Independence which took place is the year of 1857. Also, Bithoor is the home land for the Jhansi Rani Lakshmi Bai, the most prominent member of Rebellion. The last Peshwa, Baji Rao II and his son Nana Saheb made Bithoor their headquarters.  

Thus Bithoor is the mesmerizing spot with blended religious and historical importance.

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