World India Nagaland Kohima Touphema Tourist Village

Touphema Tourist Village , Kohima

Type of Destination
Heritage, Adventure, Theme park
Languages Spoken
Nagamese, Hindi, English, Angami
Touphema Tourist Village Altitude

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India Nagaland Touphema Tourist Village

About Touphema Tourist Village

Touphema Tourist Village is about 100 kms from Dimapur and 41 kms from Kohima and is situated on a hillock surrounded by lush green valley. It is set up to showcase the traditional Naga lifestyle and culture and educate visitors about their history, myths and the importance of preserving this ancient culture.  Visitors can relish local Naga specialities and enjoy traditional Naga dance and celebrations. There is a museum housed within the village and guided walks to nearby hills and visits to paddy fields are available.

4.3 ( 3 )

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