World India Kerala Kanyakumari Padmanabhapuram Palace

Padmanabhapuram Palace , Kanyakumari

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage
Languages Spoken
Malayalam, English
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India Kerala Padmanabhapuram Palace

About Padmanabhapuram Palace

One who is very much interested in the history of Kerala State must visit the Padmanabhapuram Palace. This palace was where the Royal Travancore Kingdom ruled Kerala until the capital was shifted to Thiruvananthapuram. At the foothills of Veli Mountain lies the Padmanabhapuram Palace. The palace is inside a granite fortress about 4 kms long and has river valli flowing closeby. Tourists can see several segments like “Mantrasala”, “Thai Kottaram”, “Nataksala”, and “Thekee Kottaram”. Palace also houses 300 year old clock which even today is keeping pace with time. The palace has a collection of ancient paintings and murals.

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Jul 09, 2014
Padmanabhapuram Palace remains closed on Mondays.
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