World India Gujarat Junagadh Ashoka's Rock Edicts, Junagadh

Ashoka's Rock Edicts, Junagadh , Junagadh

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage
Languages Spoken
Hindi, Rajastani, English

Best time to visit Ashoka's Rock Edicts, Junagadh

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India Gujarat Ashoka's Rock Edicts, Junagadh

About Ashoka's Rock Edicts, Junagadh

An important piece of history and archeology comprises of Ashoka’s rock edicts, 14 in number and rich in Pali and Sanskrit inscriptions. It is found near the base of the Girnar hills and the text over the rocks is related to how Ashok changed and wanted different things for his people and how he shifted and brought up Buddhism. History lovers, tend to go up the mountain just for a better view of the rock and to understand what it really stands for, this does bring down the tourist count going up there, because not many would prefer climbing such a distance just to see a granite boulder full of inscriptions. The preferable time during the year to visit here, is from October to April, as the heat won’t pierce so much. 

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