World India Tamil Nadu Rameswaram Kothandaramaswamy Temple

Kothandaramaswamy Temple , Rameswaram

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India Tamil Nadu Kothandaramaswamy Temple

About Kothandaramaswamy Temple

One could say that this temple is the one which is located on the southernmost tip of India in Bay of Bengal. Kothandaramaswamy Temple or Kothandaramar Temple is located in a place called "Dhanushkodi". Even though Dhanushkodi had been completely destroyed during the 1964 cyclone, the temple alone stands intact without any much damage till date. Tourists can see many beautiful paintings on the walls of the temple depicting the scenes from Ramayana and the final battle between Lord Rama and Raavan, a demon king of Sri Lanka. As per religious facts, it is in this place, Vibhishana, the brother of Raavan, surrendered to Lord Rama. It is a fascinating place to be which is well surrounded by sea water. Walking on the silver sands with sea waves splashing our feet.

2.5 ( 1 )

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