World India Jharkhand Ranchi Dewri Mandir, Ranchi

Dewri Mandir, Ranchi , Ranchi

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Bhojpuri & Hindi
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India Jharkhand Dewri Mandir, Ranchi

About Dewri Mandir, Ranchi

Deori or Dewri Mandir, a Durga temple, which is at a distance of 60 km from Ranchi lies on the Ranchi- Tata highway. It is closer to Jamshedpur. This is a really old Durga temple and it is believed that this is the only temple where tribal priests, called Pahans perform rituals. This place is very famous now, and gaining popularity because of the regular visits by famous cricketer, Dhoni. On its way, you have the Sun temple and also the Dassam falls. Planning a trip here, also makes you tick off these places from your list in one go. It is very peaceful here. Some construction is still going on, for expanding the temple, in size.


4.5 ( 2 )

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