World India Telangana Hyderabad Taramati Baradari

Taramati Baradari , Hyderabad

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Telugu and Hindi
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India Telangana Taramati Baradari

About Taramati Baradari

Taramati Baradari is one the most cherished legacies of Telegana, this architectural structure is said to be an ode of King Abdullah Qutub Shah’s to his much loved courtesan Taramati. So it is not uncommon for travelers to listen to the great romantic chronicles of these two. It was built back in 1880s and has 12 doorways. It was created in such a manner that the Nawab could listen to Taramati’s voice without any disturbances or noises coming from the external surroundings. Due to its legendary folklore Taramati Baradari has now become a platform for classical music and traditional dance forms. 

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