World India Tamil Nadu Mahabalipuram Muttukadu

Muttukadu , Mahabalipuram

Type of Destination
Backwaters, Scenic
Languages Spoken
Tamil and English
Muttukadu Altitude

Best time to visit Muttukadu

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India Tamil Nadu Muttukadu

About Muttukadu

Muttukadu is a small hamlet which is much famed for its back waters, palm grooves, green environment. Tamil Nadu Tourism Development corporation has developed a Boat House here which not only entertains adventure lovers with boating, kayaking, canoeing etc, but also organizes classes for enthusiasts. Every year in the month of February, wind surfing regatta is conducted in Muttukadu. Also there is a tiny handicraft village termed “Dakshin Chitra”, which depicts the models of art and architecture of Southern India. This handicraft village is established over 10 acres land facing Bay of Bengal and managed by non-profit organization called Madras Craft Foundation. There are many amusement parks nearby Muttukadu like MGM Dizee World, VGP Golden Beach Resorts etc.

3.3 ( 2 )

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