World India Manipur Imphal Chorus Repertory Theatre

Chorus Repertory Theatre , Imphal

Type of Destination
Heritage, Art Gallery
Languages Spoken
Manipuri, English
Chorus Repertory Theatre Altitude

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India Manipur Chorus Repertory Theatre

About Chorus Repertory Theatre

Located in the outskirts of Imphal, this theatre was established in the year 1976 by famous artist Ratan Thiyam. It has attained international praise for being able to so artistically blending the traditional performance style with the modern theatre. This group has been participating in International theatre festivals all over the world. It recently constructed auditorium in their campus to accommodate more people for their performances. The work which has attained them international appreciation is ‘Chakravyuha’ which has been performed over 100 times in and outside India. They provide a stage for aspiring theatre aspirants and craft artists from all of over the world. Being here to see a performance by them would surely instill a sense of happiness because we belong to a land which has surplus talent, unique art forms and rich cultural heritage. Enjoy this experience of witnessing something new and wonderful.

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