World India Himachal Pradesh Barshaini Shoja

Shoja , Barshaini

Type of Destination
Hill-station, Scenic, Offbeat
Languages Spoken
Pahari, Hindi, Punjabi & English
Shoja Altitude

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India Himachal Pradesh Shoja

About Shoja

Shoja, the most beautiful destination in Himachal Pradesh is located 69 KMs from Kullu at an elevation of 2692 m from sea level. Tourists who want to get immersed in the beauty of wild nature should not miss out the Shoja trip. The entire place is a nature’s bounty with wild flowers scattered meadows, thickly wooded forests, burbling streams, gushing rivers etc. Shoja’s unspoiled beauty makes it fast upcoming tourist destination in Himachal Pradesh. This little hillock also has a Raghupur Fort for the tourists to pay a visit. The pleasant weather condition will uplift the soul of every human. Shoja also has a lush grass meadow termed as Dough Thatch nearby it.

3.8 ( 7 )

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