World India West Bengal Kolkata CIMA Art Gallery, Kolkata

CIMA Art Gallery, Kolkata , Kolkata

Type of Destination
Museums, Art Gallery
Languages Spoken
Bengali , Hindi & English
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India West Bengal CIMA Art Gallery, Kolkata

About CIMA Art Gallery, Kolkata

The Center of International Modern Art otherwise called as CIMA was founded in 1993. Guidance of London and New York art galleries was taken for designing the CIMA art gallery. Now CIMA is one of the most eminent art centers in India. Nearly 100 art exhibitions are conducted in CIMA art gallery every year. Most of the exhibits received critical acclaims both nationally and internationally. Entire center is spread over 8000 sq. ft. CIMA involves in evaluation and publication of artworks. CIMA’s database is overarching and amazing. CIMA is located in Ballygunge region of Kolkata city.

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