World India Maharashtra Pune Joshi's Museum of Miniature Railway

Joshi's Museum Of Miniature Railway , Pune

Type of Destination
Heritage, Museums
Languages Spoken
Marathi, Hindi, English
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India Maharashtra Joshi's Museum of Miniature Railway

About Joshi's Museum of Miniature Railway

If one has to know about the working style of railway system and locomotives, then Joshi’s museum of miniature railway has to be visited. Situated in Pune, the concept was initiated and established by Bhausaheb Joshi. Joshi gave shape to his dreams and hobby of collecting working models of trains. The entire museum layout includes fences, flyovers, lamp posts, 65 signals etc. These working models can be controlled manually as well as through computers. Kids can have fun viewing the steam engines, bullet train, mini sky train etc. The fast food stall and restaurants of the museum looks like a pantry car standing in platform and a dining car has been made out of a luxury coach.

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