World India Uttarakhand Mussoorie Landour

Landour , Mussoorie

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Kumaoni, Hindi and English
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India Uttarakhand Landour

About Landour

Landour is a place that gets you ogling over it, for the serenity and divine richness. Not so touristy, yet so much adventure and thrill to take in. Landour can be reached from Roorkee or Deoband, the roads aren’t said to be so great and it is a really steep ride, albeit in the end, it is all worth it. You have the very famous ‘char dukan’ (four shops), in the main area, and this place has seen a lot of celebrities and foreigners and old and new at all times of the year. You can go trekking here around the Himalayan Village and see their life or you have the Khatling Glacier. You have nature trails also, that you can explore if you’re into adventure and thrill is something that you live for. You have the winter line or the Suakholi to pick from, they just twine and entwine around mountains and rivers and around monasteries and it is inexplicably beautiful. You have the Saint Paul’s church here, that has a clean view of the houses below and the cantonment area is pretty much visible too. The food here and the variety that you can choose from is appealing too. If you want to get away from all of the clutter of everyday life, you need to plan a short trip here, and be it any time of the year, this place will not disappoint you.

3.5 ( 1 )

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