World India Karnataka Chitradurga Chitradurga Fort

Chitradurga Fort , Chitradurga

Type of Destination
Historical, Fort, Monument
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India Karnataka Chitradurga Fort

About Chitradurga Fort

Chitradurga Fort is the main attraction of the town. Having an inviolably secure built, the fort has 19 gateways, more than 50 different entrances, 4 invisible passages, a system of rain water harvesting via reservoirs and water tanks, about 20 temples and nearly 2000 watch towers. It is interesting to notice how the fort has no cementing measures and yet is preserved and respected as a great Monument. It is famous for its fort of Seven Rounds. It is recorded that the fort covers an area of 1500 acres.  The Chitradurg fort is also as Kallina Kote, meaning the stone fort, Ukinna kote, meaning fort of steel and Yelu Suttina kote, meaning Fort of seven walls. Its magnificence takes us back to India’s glorious past pre-British

3.5 ( 1 )

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