World India Karnataka Chitradurga Ankali Matt - Chandravalli caves

Ankali Matt - Chandravalli Caves , Chitradurga

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Pilgrimage, Caves
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India Karnataka Ankali Matt - Chandravalli caves

About Ankali Matt - Chandravalli caves

3 kilometers west of Chitradurga are the Chandravali cave temples which have been supposedly used since the Iron Age. It is also called Ankali Matt. The cave is between to gigantic boulders, one of which is used for Rock Climbing. It is named after a Saint, Ankalagi, from Belgaum who meditated here. To know what Absolute Darkness means, going inside and switching off your torch is a good idea. Also, another good idea is to hire a Guide as it is easy to get lost inside the caves. The caves are known for the big shiva lingas under another giant boulder.

Semilunar in shape, this ancient excavation site was found with coins, pottery, historic drawings and inscriptions. Although closed and barely any light, it contains corridors for ventilation and water outlets as well. For someone who enjoys the blend between natural structures and well planned architecture, Ankali Matt is the place where one can hear their own heart-beat.

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