World India Jammu and Kashmir Jammu Dogra Art Museum

Dogra Art Museum , Jammu

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage, Museums
Languages Spoken
Punjabi, Hindi & English
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India Jammu and Kashmir Dogra Art Museum

About Dogra Art Museum

Located in the Jammu, the Dogra Art Museum is renowned for Pahari Miniature Paintings. The museum is situated in the Pink Hall building in Jammu. The museum houses enormous collections of heritage Dogra Cultural arts and artifacts. Approximately 7300 items with much cultural and historical importance are displayed in Dogra Art Museum. Akhnoor terracotta heads, decorative artifacts like Dogra attires, Jewellery, metal objects, arms and weapons etc are most interesting items among the collections. Marble Jharokhas with intricate decoration enthralls the visitors. The most valuable among these collections are the gold plated Shah Jehan’s Bow and Takri Stone plate inscriptions.

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