World India Rajasthan Jaipur Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing, Jaipur

Anokhi Museum Of Hand Printing, Jaipur , Jaipur

Type of Destination
Heritage, Museums
Languages Spoken
Hindi & English
Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing, Jaipur Altitude

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India Rajasthan Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing, Jaipur

About Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing, Jaipur

The Anokhi Museum of Hand Printing sits in a trademark Jaipuri pink and red sandstone haveli located in Amber. The museum was the brainchild of Rachel Bracken Singh, who aimed to restore and proliferate the demand for products of indigenous industries. The need of the hour was also to prevent the extinction of small-scale local industries, and to preserve their art.

The museum has on permanent display over a hundred garments and blocks, showcasing intricate block designs on ethnic and western clothing. Besides this, there are frequent temporary exhibitions with changing themes. On the rooftop, craftsmen are eager to flaunt their hand printing skills to visitors. One can shop for jewelry, merchandise, books, cards and furnishings at the museum shop, and can grab a bite at the adjoining cafe. The museum is scarcely visited, despite having won a UNESCO award for “Cultural Conservation” in 2000.

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