World India Rajasthan Jaipur Sisodia Rani Garden

Sisodia Rani Garden , Jaipur

Type of Destination
Garden, Monument, Palace
Languages Spoken
Hindi & English
Sisodia Rani Garden Altitude

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India Rajasthan Sisodia Rani Garden

About Sisodia Rani Garden

Located about 10 kms from Jaipur on the Jaipur Agra highway, Sisodia Rani Palace with fine gardens was built by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II in 1728 in memory of his wife, who also ruled the city nominally. The palace is best known for its multitiered gardens that grow a lot of rare foliage, and have painstakingly designed pavilions and watercourses. Its interiors are decorated with captivating paintings and murals depicting Lord Krishna and his life. A few hours spent on the terrace gardens are sure to help one unwind after a tiring day. However, there is no provision for edibles nearby, so one should carry eatables for their convenience.

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