World India Uttar Pradesh Agra St. George’s Cathedral, Agra

St. George’s Cathedral, Agra , Agra

Type of Destination
Historical, Pilgrimage
Languages Spoken
English and Hindi
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India Uttar Pradesh St. George’s Cathedral, Agra

About St. George’s Cathedral, Agra

One hardly views Agra to be anything other than a Mughal city with Indo-Persian monuments. St George’s Cathedral is an example of traces of the Christian population that settled during the Colonial Era in India.

This former British Raj Protestant Church can be found in the Agra Cantonment Area, in Sadar Bazar. The Cathedral was one of the main places of worship for the Anglicans back during the British rule in India and continues to draw the Christian population in the nearby areas along with tourists. It was designed and constructed by Major General and Engineer J T Boileau in 1828, in a typical English Gothic style of architecture and has remained well preserved over the years.

Inside are various commemorations to non-commissioned officers and the Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment soldiers who died in battle or while serving in India. One can attend church service here that takes place at 9am every Sunday. Otherwise, permission is needed to view it as it remains locked on other days.

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