World India West Bengal Kolkata 26 Shiva Temples, Khardah

26 Shiva Temples, Khardah , Kolkata

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India West Bengal 26 Shiva Temples, Khardah

About 26 Shiva Temples, Khardah

On the banks of river Ganga at Khardaha are a set of 26 Shiva temples. Nityananda Prabhu, came in boat and settled in hut here and the structure is known as Kunjabati which is visted by tourists. Group of 26 temples built in similar manner as that of Puri with one lakh Shivalinga. It was constructed in the early 19th century by Ramhari Biswas and his son Prankrishna.  The door frames are decorative from the Gaur ruins. All of these temples are situated on the bank of the sacred river Ganga, and are arranged in two groups five facing Ganga and rest 21 arranged as a rectangle. On the front cover brick temples have stucco work and cut-brick terracotta with two vertical rows of small bricks are built. Besides these, Khardah has several other temples like Annapurna temple, Panchanan temple etc. Khardah is a small town about 25 km from Kolkata and easily accessible by road and railway both.

3.5 ( 4 )

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