World Sri Lanka Southern Province Galle Dutch Reformed Church, Galle

Dutch Reformed Church, Galle , Galle

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage, Pilgrimage
Languages Spoken
Sinhala and English
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Southern Province Dutch Reformed Church, Galle

About Dutch Reformed Church, Galle

The Dutch Reformed Church completed in 1755, with some resemblance to the ones in Negapatnam and Cochin in India. Built on a site of earlier Portuguese convent, this place is known for the graveyards within and around the church.

Built on the highest point in the city of Galle, the church stands more than twelve meters above sea level. This church was built as a result of money donated by a Dutch officer as a thanksgiving after the birth of his daughter, for which he had waited many years.

The two burial chambers, located adjacent to each other, in the north garden of Galle Church can easily be spotted and has an entrance for the tourists. These chambers and its interiors have been recently restored by the funds provided by Netherlands Government. These chambers can be entered by going down a flight of steps and has a very damp and sweaty feeling.

Underneath the western end of the Cave lies a vault which was last open in 1925. When the vault was opened it was found in good condition, with the remains of the last coffin lying with the lid covering the bones. Interesting, right?

The Dutch Reformed Church has an interesting history attached to it and is the perfect place to get lost!

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