World Sri Lanka Southern Province Weligama Kushtaraja Gala

Kushtaraja Gala , Weligama

Type of Destination
Historical, Heritage, Pilgrimage
Languages Spoken
Sinhala and English
Kushtaraja Gala Altitude

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Southern Province Kushtaraja Gala

About Kushtaraja Gala

Kushtaraja Gala or Kushta Raja Gala is the name of a life size carving made on a rock that attracts many locals and travellers. It’s a 383 centimetres sculpture of Avalokiteshwara of Mahayana Buddhism believed to be 12 centuries old. It is located on the old main road that passes through the town of Weligama which is 12 kilometres from Matara. The statue that belongs to the Kushtarajagala viharaya has many myths around it. Locals believe that when once a foreign king was cured by a local doctor of his kushta disease, he sculptured the image of his curer on the rock. But due to the presence of 4 meditating Buddhas on its head and a lotus in its hand, it is believed to be Avalokiteshwara, who is revered highly in Buddhism for his healing powers.
It is worth while to visit the Weligama beach in the town that is suitable for surfing and diving. Grab a bite at the Samaru beach house and Weligama cafe offer delicious cuisines.

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